Social Services
Online Services from the Office of the Registrar General
You might be surprised by what's available through the Service Ontario Website. They offer online services including:
- Register a baby using the Newborn Registration Service
- Apply for Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates
- Online Status Checking to quickly reference the status of recent birth, death or marriage certificate requests
- Change of Name Wizard to find helpful information about the ways to change a name
Child Care
The Day Nurseries Act
Licensed child care in Ontario is regulated by the Provincial Government under the Day Nurseries Act. The Day Nurseries Act regulates and sets minimum standards for such things as staff to child ratios, health and safety, outdoor playground space, indoor space and staff qualifications.
To find out more about the Day Nurseries Act and the Provincial role in child care you can access the Ministry of Children & Youth Website.
Parents who wish to contact the Ministry of Children & Youth Services (MCYS) about any aspect of their child's care, may call toll free at 1-866-821-7770.