Urban Storm Water Operations
On June, 15, 2022 the Township of Zorra (Zorra) Council held a public consultation regarding Urban Storm Water System Operations and Financing Options. Zorra reviewed options for the sustainable operations and financing of the urban storm water systems in the communities of Embro and Thamesford. The water and wastewater servicing projects over the years 2000 to 2011 also saw all of the existing roads and storm drainage systems rebuilt in these two urban communities. Traditionally, Zorra has used the Drainage Act to build and finance Storm Drainage systems but there were other viable options to consider. Zorra has also had new development which has storm sewers as part of the road construction and to date five (5) storm water management ponds.
Zorra retained rw2 Engineering Ltd to review these options for the operations and financing of the urban drainage systems in Embro and Thamesford. Click on the links below to review information about these options.
May 4, 2022 - rw2 Engineering Ltd Delegation to Council
June 15, 2022 - rw2 presentation to Council
March 14, 2023 - Public Notice for Storm Water By-law
April 5, 2023 - rw2 Storm Water Utility Fee By-law Development Update