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Zorra Council Approves Transformational Development in Thamesford

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January 23, 2025


Zorra Township Council approved in principle a development application that would see over 1,000 residential units developed on the former Maple Leaf Foods (MLF) lands in Thamesford. This will be the largest development in Zorra’s history and fulfills Council’s vision for this brownfield project.

The Township purchased the former MLF lands in 2019 and then solicited development proposals to create a vibrant, mixed-use community that welcomes a diverse range of incomes, household configurations and lifestyles. Council also required enhanced physical and visual connections to the Thames River and a community that stands as a model of excellence in the fields of design, sustainable living, accessibility, and environmental conservation. The development proposal submitted by Kingwood Homes and approved by Council meets all of those objectives.

Kingwood Homes, a Burlington based development company, has already constructed 115 street-fronting townhomes on Middleton Street, both two-story and bungalow styles, as the first phase of the project. As part of this second phase, they are proposing to construct 18 single-detached dwellings, 660 townhome units, and 372 low rise apartment units in seven buildings. In addition, Kingwood is also proposing to develop seven acres of commercial lands. Central to this development is a proposal that would see the Thames Valley District School Board construct a new public elementary school and an 88-space childcare facility. The TVDSB has submitted an application for funding to the Ministry of Education, with a decision expected in early spring of 2025 which would allow construction to commence in late 2025.

Mayor Marcus Ryan was pleased to make this announcement, and remarked “Now we have a transformative development that will allow us to provide a much-needed housing mix, additional commercial space, park development along the Thames River and a co-build school facility with the TVDSB. This unique neighbourhood will be walkable, pedestrian friendly and have easy access to the new commercial core, Thamesford’s existing downtown and existing recreation amenities and services.”

Ward 2 (Thamesford) Councillor and Deputy Mayor Katie Grigg noted that “Our community needs to provide alternatives for first time home buyers and those wishing to downsize but continue living in Thamesford and this development will meet the community’s need for years to come.”

Click here to view the full release including contact information.